Hiring Practices

Approved by:
Board of Trustees




Revised Date:







Positions will be posted in the staff announcement areas of all library branches, library bulletin boards, with local job announcement services such as the Gainesville-Hall County Personnel Department, and the Georgia Department of Labor. If a certified librarian is needed, advertisements for the position may be posted on the Georgia Public Library Services’ job line, placed in professional publications and may be placed in the local newspapers. Positions will be filled by promotion from within when appropriate. Selected applicants will be interviewed by the department supervisor, the assistant director or library director. In case of a promotion from within, there is no minimum number of candidates that must be interviewed. However, if no acceptable candidate is found within the organization, the opening will be filled according to external posting requirements and a minimum of three candidates will be called for interview. All candidates will be required to answer the same questions and perform the same demonstrations or take the same exams as all other candidates for a position including any internal candidates.


Parties interested in any position will apply by filling out an online application found on the library’s webpage. All candidates must complete an application for each position they are interested in applying for only. All new hires will be given written salary information, job description, reporting supervisor, and date and time to report to work.


Immediate family members will not be considered for permanent employment including those related to the library director or trustee. Substitutes and temporary workers may be relations of library staff members as long as they are not working in the same branch/department as their immediate family member. Immediate family members for the purpose of this policy are defined as grandparents, parents, spouse, children, grandchildren, dependents living in the household, in-laws, stepfamily, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, first cousins, and siblings. Employees who are not related when hired but later become family members will not be considered for promotion or transfer if the new position is under or is supervised by an immediate family member.


If hired all new employees will be required to pass a substance abuse test and their background check returned acceptable for the position they were hired based on the basic requirements in the job description before they can report to work.

All new employees will undergo special training for circulation procedures. Along with employees assuming a new job position or laterally transferring to a new work location, new hires shall be on "working test" for a six month period subject to dismissal at any time during the test period for reasons related to job performance.

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