Grievances From Employees

Approved by:
Board of Trustees



Revised Date:

0/525/99 04/28/09 12/06/11

All complaints of dissatisfaction with some aspect of employment, over which the employee has no control and which can be changed by the Hall County Library System will be made in writing to the library director.

An employee who has a grievance against a co-worker or management should report the issue to their immediate supervisor. If the supervisor cannot resolve the matter to the satisfaction of the employee, the employee may request a hearing with the library director. Grievance(s) against the library director will be made in writing to the library director. If satisfaction is not achieved, the employee may submit a written request to the Library Board Chair for a hearing with the Library Board. The Library Board may choose to call upon a professional mediator of the Board’s choice to hear and make a recommendation regarding the grievance(s). The ultimate decision of the full Board will be considered final. All interaction in the grievance process will be documented and may be placed in appropriate personnel files.

All employees will be given fair, equitable, and prompt treatment in matters affecting their employment. There will be no reprisal, coercion, harassment or other negative consequences or treatment toward the employee who makes the complaint. Evidence of negative action should be reported to the library director.

An employee may be granted up to four hours during work time to prepare a complaint. This time is to be arranged with the employee’s supervisor according to the unit’s workload and schedule.

The employee complaint may not be used to address matters regarding the following:

1.    Issues being addressed by other administrative procedures;

2.    Work assignments which do not result in demotion or salary reduction;

3.    Budget and organizational structure;

4.    Manner and method of performing work assignments;

5.    Content and rating of reports of performance;

6.    Selection to fill a position;

7.    Internal security practice.

The employee’s complaint and request for solution must be within the scope of the Hall County Library System’s legal, financial, and logistical ability to resolve.

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