Library System Hours of Operation

Approved by:
Board of Trustees




Revised Date:






Library branches and service outlets will adhere to posted hours of operation for each facility. Hours will be clearly posted at each location and in other appropriate information media such as patron brochures and on the library system Internet Web page. The online circulation system clock will serve as the official time reference for the library system.


Public service staff members will report to their assigned service area at the exact stated opening time and be ready for floor duty. Staff members will be available on the public floor areas until the exact closing time. Lights will remain on in facilities and telephones will continue to be answered until the closing time. Public entrance doors will be unlocked on time and will not be locked until the posted closing time. Closing day routines may necessitate powering off some computers and equipment prior to closing. Complicated reference requests and information searches that require more than "quick reference assistance" may be postponed for completion until the next operating day. Patrons will be given appropriate notice as closing time nears in order to secure personal articles and to acquire and checkout materials prior to closing.


Emergency closings will be determined by the assistant director if the library director is unavailable.




Minors under the age of 18 may not be left unattended on library property before a library opens or after it closes.The police may be called to attend any minor left unsupervised by parent or guardian while on library premises to ensure the minor’s safety.


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