
Approved by:
Board of Trustees

Revised Date:


The library system may dismiss an employee when his/her job performance or personal conduct is unsatisfactory.

The employee, if not a part-time or six-month test period employee may request in writing within ten days of the dismissal a review of the dismissal by the Library Board Personnel Committee. The request should clearly state the reasons for disagreement with the action of dismissal. The Personnel Committee will provide a timely hearing including written notice to the complainant. The Personnel Committee will recommend final action to be approved by the Library Board if the dismissal is contested.

Employees will be fully informed of reasons for dismissal, and documentation of incidents leading to the dismissal action will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.

The advice and counsel of an attorney may be sought by the library system in the dismissal process.
When appropriate an employee may be suspended without pay and the employee may request, in writing, a review by the Library Board Personnel Committee. If the employee is cleared after investigation, restitution of unpaid salary will be made.

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