
Approved by:
Board of Trustees

Revised Date:


Demotion may be the result of reallocation of a position, reduction in force, unsatisfactory performance, disciplinary action, or at the request of the employee.

Performance Demotion

The Director, may when it is determined by the appropriate supervisor that an employee is unable to satisfactorily perform the duties of the position which the employee occupies, authorize the demotion of an employee to a position having duties which the employee can perform and which is in a class with lower compensation Such a demotion shall be based on unsatisfactory performance appraisals and associated documentation. The employee affected will retain time-of-experience (pay range scale/pay grade) status in the new class. The director shall give a written statement of the reason for demotion to the employee. The employee may appeal to the director if he or she desires. If the appeal is not satisfactory, the employee may appeal to the Library Board Personnel Committee.

Reclassification Demotion or Reduction in Force Demotion

If reclassification of an employee or reduction in force results in occupying a lower class and pay, the employee shall be demoted to the lower class. Every effort shall be made to transfer or reassign the employee to another position with the same classification and pay rate. However, in cases where reclassification or reduction in force results in the lower class and pay rate the employee will retain time-of-experience (pay range scale/pay grade). If the Director recommends, the employee may be allowed to continue at his or her current rate of pay, although it exceeds the maximum salary range in the lower class.

However, the employee’s pay rate would be "red-circled," thereby, disallowing any future salary increases until such time as:  (1) the employee transfers to a job position for which the maximum salary is higher than the employee’s current salary, or (2) the maximum salary for the employee’s current position increases to the rate that exceeds the employee’s current salary. In the case of number two (2), the employee will be eligible for percentage or performance increases at the regularly scheduled anniversary date or any other scheduled salary adjustment, but not to exceed the maximum of the salary range.

Voluntary Demotions

An employee may apply for a vacant position in a lower class. The employee shall satisfy a position of probation in the new position unless the employee had previously satisfied a position probationary period for that lower class.

An employee who is demoted voluntarily may have their rate of pay reduced to the rate applicable in the new position. The employee will retain time-of-experience (pay range scale/pay grade) status in the new position.

Disciplinary Demotion

The Director may demote an employee to a lower grade and position for disciplinary reasons. The Director shall furnish a written statement of the reasons for the action to the employee with notification of the right to appeal. The employee may appeal to the director if he or she desires. If the appeal decision is not satisfactory to the employee, the employee may appeal to the Library Board Personnel Committee. Disciplinary demotion may be an alternative disciplinary action to dismissal.


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