
Approved by:
Board of Trustees




Revised Date:



The library system’s compensation plan is intended to attract, retain, and motivate employees through the payment of financial compensation that is commensurate with the individual’s ability, responsibility, and contribution to the organization. It is also intended to be equitable and to treat each employee impartially. As part of the library system’s compensation plan, the library adheres to all principles of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

The plan was developed with two key principles in mind:

·         Compensation should be competitive in the library’s geographic area of recruitment.

·         Compensation should reflect the relative value of the tasks performed as part of each individual position.

There are several components to the library’s compensation plan. These include:

·         Job descriptions,

·         Performance reviews,

·         Pay scale,

·         Pay increases.


Job Descriptions
Each job description is given a specific point on the library’s pay scale depending upon that position’s pay grade. The pay grade for each position depends upon several factors:

·         required job knowledge,

·         level of responsibility,

·         degree of supervision required and exercised,

·         type of work performed,

·         level of experience and training required

To have a positive performance review, an employee should meet all standards set in the job description. 

Performance Reviews
After completing the six month working test period, each employee will be reviewed annually on their anniversary date. Reviews will be tied to merit based raises above the annual cost of living adjustment as the library budget allows. 

Pay Scale
The library system’s pay scale sets a minimum and maximum range for each position’s pay grade. 

An employee’s hourly wage is calculated from the minimum pay grade for his/her position. New employees are normally hired at the beginning of their salary range; however, they may be hired at higher than the minimum rate based upon years of relevant experience. Movement in the salary range is based upon years of experience and upon annual pay increases. 

Library employees who are promoted to a position with a higher pay grade will receive the higher of either a 10% increase of their current salary or the minimum entry level of their new pay range. Upon the date of promotion, the employee begins a new working test period. The next performance review will be six months from the date of promotion, then every year thereafter. 

Pay Increases
The maximum pay grade for each position will be raised each year by the amount of the cost of living adjustment (COLA) given to all employees. It may also be adjusted due to any subsequent wage and benefit study. Employees may also receive a merit raise based upon the results of their annual performance review. The library system may set aside one half of the annual amount budgeted for salary increases for merit based raises, and the other half will be given to all employees as a COLA unless the budgeted amount is 2% or lower. As the library budget permits, merit raises will be given to employees who score above 3.0 (meets expectations) on their annual performance review. The amount of the raise will depend upon the employee’s performance. Pay increases are also guided by the library’s most recent salary study. 

Sample based upon 4% salary increases with 2% allocated for merit raises:

Performance review rating

Merit increase (in addition to COLA)

2-Needs Improvement
3-3.5Meets Expectations
3.6-4.4 Exceeds Expectations



Employees who have exceeded the maximum pay grade for their job classification are not eligible to receive raises. These employees will be given a supplement which will equal the COLA given other staff plus the merit raise they have earned. Half of this amount will be given in November and the remainder in April of each fiscal year.

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