Site Selecton

Approved by:
Board of Trustees

Revised Date:


The use of a branch library is significantly impacted by its location. The Hall County Library Board of Trustees is committed to constructing branch libraries in locations where community residents frequently and willingly go. The board will use the following criteria, listed in alphabetical order, to determine sites for branch libraries:

  1. Accessibility: The site will be easily accessible by car, bicycle, public transportation, and on-foot.
  2. The site will provide for a high degree of personal safety for people entering and leaving the building, especially at night. Natural or man-made barriers should not impede access to the site.
  3. Acquisition cost: The cost of the site will be within the library’s budget, and the price to be paid for the site will not exceed the fair market value of the site.
  4. Adjacent uses: The current and anticipated use of the surrounding land will complement library use in terms of function, peak use times, and traffic patterns.
  5. Availability: The site is currently available for acquisition. The time required to acquire the site will not negatively impact the proposed project timeline.
  6. Community opinion: The site will be one that will be acceptable to the majority of the residents in the projected service area of the proposed branch library.
  7. Construction/Site development cost: The site will enable the library to construct a branch without incurring significant additional costs to prepare the site for construction or to construct the branch library.
  8. Convenience: The site will be close to the geographic and/or traffic center of the area to be served.
  9. Environmental issues: The site will enable the library to construct a branch without incurring significant additional costs to mitigate prior soil contamination or other pre-existing environmental conditions such as poor drainage or unstable land formation. The site will not be located in a flood plain or on protected lands.
  10. Legal matters: The site will enable the library to acquire the property and construct the branch without incurring significant additional legal costs.
  11. Parking: The site will allow for adequate onsite parking for library users and library staff.
  12. Size and shape of the property: The site will allow for the construction of an efficiently designed branch library. The site will allow for landscaping and required setbacks. The site will allow for expansion of the building and expansion of the parking lot.
  13. Visibility: The site and the branch library will be visible from major streets.

In the event that two or more potential sites are considered to be almost equal when the twelve (12) criteria above are considered, then the following criteria, listed in alphabetical order, will be considered to be of higher priority when determining which site should be selected

  1. Adjacent uses
  2. Community opinion
  3. Size and shape of property
  4. Total project cost

Prior to the selection of a site for a branch library, the Board of Trustees will provide an opportunity for public comment about the proposed site.

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